We created Muskauer on the April 2010 for keeping on researching around movement, composition, rhythm, space and how to put into practice all this in a theater piece. All this new inputs have been feeding our work and are still now the engine of it.

About us

Rosabel Huguet:

Born in Tarragona in 1985 and moves to Barcelona in 2003 for study Drama in Berty Tovias school witch is specialized  in the Jacques Lecoq's method. 
In 2005 enters in the University Institut del Teatre into the physical theater option and gets her degree in 2010.
In 2006 she traveled to Buenos Aires to improve and learn the root of the tango dance, studying with renowned teachers and participates in several projects related to this dance in Barcelona and Berlin.
Aside from working in different productions related to the Institut del Teatre in the summer of 2008 rehearses a show commissioned by the Generalitat de Catalunya with the company Pa Sucat, Jaume I, directed by Lluis Graells. The play was premiered at the Barcelona's Mercè Festival. For two years she was touring around Catalunya with this show.
During 2008 and 2009 she continues the investigation through the body and movement by several workshops and a regular training in the dance company Raravis from Andrés Corchero and Rosa Muñoz. The training works primarily with the body-weather.
In 2009 she participated in the 5th Festival of  Physical Theater in Esparreguera with the show El mundo de los simples directed by Andrés Corchero.
The same year she creates the piece La notícia és que ja estan venint that was chosen to participate in the Festival Obert'09 organized by La Caldera Barcelona.
In 2010 she moves to Berlin and began to work in the Kim company directed by Elias Cohen. She did the Direction Assistance of the last production Sisyphus Rock that was premiered in July in Tel-Aviv (Israel). She also participates regularly in the body-weather training run out by the same company.
Thanks to a residence in the Spukkommune Berlin she develops a collective creation of her latest idea: En les nits i en les mans (In Nächten und Händen) and she will perform in Berlin and Barcelona.
In December of the last year she participated in the last International Theater Festival of Kerala (India) working on the last Kim production, commissioned by the Principal Theatre of Kerala.
 In January 2011 she worked in a Residency at the UfaFabrik-Berlín with a group of Korean artists, the Creative Goup Noni. 

 Mariona Naudin:

Born in Barcelona in August 1980. With nineteen years old and after spending a year in Dublin, returns to Barcelona to study theater . After completing this training, she realizes  she needs to train her body and decides to try other disciplines, all of them very different from what she has already done  (Stanislavsky method). She begins attending  contemporary dance, flamenco and clown classes. In 2004 she travels to Argentina, where she participates in several theater seminars, clown workshops and learn collective contribution ethnics to create a theatre piece . Back in Barcelona (2005), she decides to enter Institut del Teatre to study Physical Theater. There she comes into contact with  physical theater, dance (contemporary and butoh), acrobatics, fencing, drama, voice techniques, biomechanics and Grotowski's method. In January 2010, she traveled to Berlin with an Erasmus  grant to attend an internship as a  producer assistant in the Tanz Fabrik Potsdam, organizer of the International Dance Festival Potsdamer Tanztage. She keeps on attending  body-weather training by Elias Cohen, from KIM Company.
Professionally, she has worked in theater, street theater, television, and as theater educator for children and adults as well as  a creator of shows and performances.
On 2004, she got an award for her role in American Buffalo (David Mamet). “Mostra de Teatre de Barcelona”. Best Actress.
On 2009, she (and her company) got an award for the play “R.I.P”. “Mostra de Teatre de Barcelona”.
Best popular piece.
2011: In Nächten und Händen, Muskauertheatertrouppe. “100º Berlin Theaterfestival”. Berlin. Actress.
2010: Vom Himmel gefallene. Die Ratten Obdachlosentheatertrouppe. Volksbühne, Berlin. Director's assistant.

2010: Cos Cos, collective contribution piece, Andrés Corchero. Sala María Plans (Terrassa). Actress.
2009: R.I.P. , Collective contribution piece. Rene Baker. Teatre del Raval (Barcelona). Actress.
2005: Venècia, Jorge Accame, Versus Teatre (Barcelona). Actress.                                             
2004: American Buffalo, Versus Teatre (Barcelona). Actress.

TV and short films:
2010: Korscha, Art3. Barcelona.
2006: Master de dirección ESCAC. Escándalo Films.
2005: El plaer of viure, BTV. (Barcelona). 
Short films ESCAC.

Theatre education:
2002: Theatre Workshop in English. Escola Da-Vinci (Barcelona).
08/09: Children's Theater Workshop. Companyia Nocturna.
06/10: Adult Theatre Workshop. Albrícias Cultural Association (Barcelona).
06/10: Clown for children. Private.

Christine Schmidt:

Christine Schmidt, born in 1962, receives her  training in dance in the Lola-Rogge-Schule, Hamburg and Munich, also during the dance project at the Laban Center for Movement and Dance in London.
She  has danced with several companies in Belgium, Germany and Switzerland as Pascale Boone, Briod Marianne, Vir and Kuggeleyn Volt'age and Arthur.
She has taught modern dance at Dance Collectif de Lausanne, right there she worked as an organizer of the series of ideas Studio Perf.
She has also worked as an assistant for  the choreographer Arthur Séverine Zufferev Kuggeleyn in Berlin, and acquired a lot of  experience in the  theater and public relations.
Since 2009, she is working as an assistant in the Fabrik Potsdam office (Berlin) where she also teaches Pilates and Gyrotonic as a certified Pilates instructor.